Composite Scheme of Arrangement

- Certificate of Cost of Acquisition for Composite Scheme of Arrangement
- Formal Court Order No. 16 dated 01.08.2016 approving the Composite Scheme of Arrangement
- Formal Court Order No. 17 dated 02.08.2016
- Formal Court Order No. 18 dated 02.08.2016
- Formal Court Order No. 19 dated 02.08.2016
- Court convene meeting
- E-voting result
- Notice of equity shareholders of Jindal SAW Limited
- Notice of secured creditors
- Notice of unsecured creditors
- Notice of unsecured creditors of JITF Waterways Limited
- E-voting instruction to equity shareholders
- Court order dated 17.02.2016
- Observation Letter NSE
- Observation Letter BSE
- Draft Scheme of Arrangement
- Valuation report from Independent Chartered Accountant
- Audit Committee report
- Fairness opinion by merchant banker
- Pre and post amalgamation shareholding pattern
- Audited financials of last 3 years of unlisted company
- Compliance with Clause 49 of Listing agreement
- Complaint Report