(i) For Securities held in Physical form
RCMC Share Registry Private Limited
B-25/1, First Floor, Okhla Industrial Area,
Phase-II, New Delhi-110020
Tel: 011 - 26387320 / 26387321
Fax: 011 - 26387322
E-Mail: investor.services@rcmcdelhi.com
Website: www.rcmcdelhi.com
(ii) For securities held in Demat form
To the investors' Depository Participants (s) and/or RCMC Share Registry Private Limited.
(iii) For any Stakeholders' Query
Shri Sunil K. Jain
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Jindal SAW Limited
Jindal Centre, 12, Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi-110066
E-Mail: investors@jindalsaw.com
(iv) Debenture Trustee
Axis Trustees Services Limited
Axis House, Bombay Dyeing Mill Compound,
Panduranga Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai - 400 025
E-Mail: debenturetrustee@axistrustee.com, complaints@axistrustee.com
Phone: 022-62260054
Name: Chief Operating Officer
(v) Nodal Officer for the IEPF Authority
Shri Sunil K. Jain
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Nodal Officer (IEPF)
Jindal SAW Limited
Jindal Centre, 12, Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi-110066
E-Mail: investors@jindalsaw.com